Headshot of Stephanie, the founder and designer of Scribble

Meet Stephanie

I'm Stephanie, a graduate of The Ohio State University and a full time designer. College was an extremely stressful time for me as I was constantly searching for outlets to release the stress of classes, organizations and work. I began to journal in the mornings to kickstart my day and doodle in the evenings as a way to unwind. As my last year of college at the Ohio State University approached, I began to think of topics for my design senior thesis and decided to look into the world of art therapy. I filtered through psychology websites and case studies, sent out surveys to learn how people participate in art making and journaling, conducted focus groups, and interviewed art therapists. After weeks of research, Scribble was born. I realized the demand and interest for Scribble and decided to put Scribble’s activities into the world in card form. I began getting requests for a digital format, so my developer husband and I partnered up to create the Scribble Journey app.
Headshot of Greg, the developer of Scribble Journey

Meet Greg

I'm Greg, an alumnus from The Ohio State University, software engineer, and the person behind all things tech at Scribble. In between competing in rec sports and video games, I'm always asking questions about how the world works and trying to understand it. I became a software engineer after my curiosity led me to investigate what was happening under the hood of applications. Working in the healthcare field has allowed me to combine my passions for technologies and helping others. Scribble is an extension of those passions by using software to affect others' mental well-being positively. I am excited when I hear that Scribble is helping users articulate their emotions through illustrations and words.
Stephanie standing in front of a Scribble poster and the Scribble prototype on an iPad at her college senior show
Scribble cards fanned out to show the illustration style from the art therapy activities
The "Best of Show" certificate that Stephanie won, sitting in front of her Scribble poster at the college senior show


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